Monday, June 10, 2013


Today we drove the 1.5 hour trek to Blarney to visit the Blarney Castle and the Blarney Stone. It misted a little throughout the entire day, but considering it hasn't rained at all and we've been here almost an entire week-we can't complain.  When we made it into the garden we headed straight for the castle and the stone. The Blarney Stone is at the top of the castle. In order to kiss it you need to lay on your back and lean backwards in about a 1.5ft x 3ft rectangular hole.  Back in the day, you needed to be held by your ankles and lowered to kiss the stone, however this was very unsafe. If the people holding you were to lose their grip, you would fall to your death.  Now, they have installed wire rods so it is much safer. They also have an assistant there which holds your coat and helps pull you back up.  The walk up to the top is 100 steps of very narrow spiral stairs.  They have installed pipes and ropes to help you walk up.  The view from the top was beautiful of course.  Thom kissed the stone first and kept his eyes open and looked down, I couldn't do that--too freaky.  Before us there was an 81 year old woman who was celebrating her birthday by kissing the stone. It is said the stone gives you the gift of eloquence or the gift of gab.  On the way to the top and down there are also rooms that you could stop in. They were labeled with the Earl's Bed Chambers, Young Ladies Room, Grand Room, etc.

When we finished at the castle we went to the Blarney House which still has people living in it. They offer a tour, however, our ticket didn't include the tour, so we didn't do it.  On our way back towards the castle we found a neat tree. It was an red cedar tree with huge arm like branches.  Thom was able to climb on top of it, but I couldn't...That's why I'm standing in the photo.... After the cool tree we found a cave that the Earl used to escape from the castle with the golden plate when Cromwell was seizing it.

Our next stop was the Poison Garden. The sign outside of the garden said to not eat, touch, or smell anything. Next to each of the plants it listed what it was, what it would do to you, and if it had any historical significance. The most interesting poisonous plant was rhubarb.

We then went to the Rock Close. It is a path with many stops along the way that are said to be magical. Our favorite was the "wishing steps". It is said that if you close your eyes and walk down the steps backwards you will have a wish come true.  Both Thom and I walked backwards so we'll see if it works!

After leaving Blarney we headed back to Killarney to have dinner at a restaurant called Murphy's which was recommended to us by a local at the pub last night.  Thom had Irish Lamb Stew and I had Irish Beef.  Both were really good--especially Thom's stew. We then walked around the shops for some souvenir shopping.  Thom got a rugby jersey polo which he can wear to school and I got a Christmas Ornament.

Tomorrow we're off to the Ring of Kerry. Sláinte! (Cheers!)

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