Sunday, June 9, 2013


Today we were going to do the Ring of Kerry, however, I think our bodies are confused about the Irish/American Time Zone Change....We went to bed at the time that Irish people go to bed (midnight) however, we woke up at noon or American time zone 6:00am......So yes, we got 12 hours of sleep. Apparently we're exhausted. 
So instead of seeing the Ring of Kerry today, we took today as a relax day.   We decided to go grocery shopping considering we have a kitchen in our cottage and to help save money.  Once we unloaded our groceries we went for a little walk around the area where Thom made a new friend.

Thom decided to go for a jog so while he jogged, I read outside. I'm reading a book called "The Fault of Our Stars". It was on a bunch of popular book lists.  I enjoyed the view while I read.
 Thom said his jog was beautiful. He saw many green rolling hills, farms, and cows. He said when he ran by the cows would come up to him with a mouth full of grass.  He has also been collecting rocks from our different destinations.  When he got back we went to Killarney town for dinner.

We ate at a restaurant called Danny Mann's.  Thom had a lamb burger and I had a minute steak. Both were very good. I then got a dessert...I can't remember what it was called, but it was like cream puffs with chocolate sauce and shaved chocolate. It was awesome!
Our goal is to eat mostly authentic Irish meals from here on out...We then waited for the live music.  After listening to the live music for awhile we went for a walk around the town, where we will do shopping tomorrow.  

We are currently sitting at the on-site pub at our cottage because the internet is iffy in our cottage.  Thom is enjoying a Guinness and says it is one of his new favorite beers.  He says it almost has a caramel after taste.  Much better in Ireland than in the States. 

More tomorrow.  :)

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