Friday, June 14, 2013


Today was a lot of driving. We woke up this morning to enjoy another breakfast made by Richard.  This time I just had the sausage, bacon, and rice crispies. I also tried the Irish tea. As a non-tea drinker, it was pretty good! Thom had the same as yesterday-except for the black and white pudding.

After packing up and saying good-bye to the Byrnes, we headed to Ennis. Ennis is a town along the way to Dublin. It was raining quite a bit and shopping wasn't the most pleasant.

Then we drove to Dublin, which was only supposed to be a quick 2 hour (maybe a little over) drive. Unfortunately I clicked the thing on the GPS that said "no toll roads" so before we knew it we were in Limerick in the middle of the city in stand still traffic--oops.

We made it to Dublin by early evening and ate in the hotel restaurant. We were going to see Phoenix Park, but it was so rainy it would not have been enjoyable.  For dinner we both had pizza, me-capri, Thom-meat and veggie.

After dinner we packed up our souveniers for the airplane tomorrow. We also returned the car.  The insurance seems like such a waste of money when returning it and don't getting in an accident--don't get me wrong, so glad we didn't get in an accident, just feels like a waste of money.

Then we came back to the room and watched Definitely Maybe. It was a cute movie. Now off to bed to catch a plane tomorrow!

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